Tuesday, November 30, 2010

g chat sessions: thanksgiving

This is the new way to spend the holidays.

Monday, November 29, 2010

brooklyn, penguins and confetti

Brooklyn is home. My roommates are my siblings. Getting things together and making some space for myself. It feels good to be here, things falling into place. Being a PA in NY is another thing, especially in winter.

The PA world is a culture. Kids that know kids type a thing. Where mass texting is the main via of communication and a fast response is the way to get a gig. Locking up Columbus Circle, Flat Iron Building and other intricate and busy parts of town are that are nearly impossible to keep lovely new yorkers and undoubtedly curious tourist from walking into frame. I guess thats what makes a good PA....being nice, precise, detailed and being able to control de masses. Maybe we should all have a little of a Moses parting of the seas complex, it would greatly benefit out job. But this is only a little part of our job. Paperwork, dealing with actors, stunts, cars and whatever we need to do to assist the production....we do it.

We get asked alot of crazy questions too.

Pedestrian: Are you the producer?

PA: Yes, in fact I am, cause the producer of this mayor motion picture with X movie star would be standing in a New York City street corner telling people they cant use this side walk....that exactly what a producer does.

Ignorance is bliss, right?

All in all, i love it. Being in the city early in the morning and seeing the sun come up and hit all these sky scrapers makes you feel like the city is yours. This I realized after my mentor, Jana pointed out for me, still, it's pretty fucking awesome. I mean, in only a month thanks to my job I've been able to feed and hangout out with real live penguins, played with fake snow, seen amazing views of the city through penthouse views of cool hotels and worked in museums next to great pieces of art.

I gotta thank certain peeps for keeping me in the loop. I don't think I would've gotten in this with out their help.

Getting to know people has been another thing. A little bit of everything is great. If you surround yourself with the people that really give a damn, honestly life can seem like a party.
Photographers, painters, animators, linguist/translators, musicians, graphic designers, yoga teachers, illustrators and fellow PA's and film people....it really keeps it interesting. I mean, these are just labels, I guess, but in the end i love them for the kind of people they are. Im glad that I've met them. This is shout out is for all of you.

I just gotta keep on going. After all Im still a work in progress.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

jumping ship

After 3 months of crazy work, time has frozen...or so it seems. Brooklyn has become the center and the rest is a mirage. I find myself sleepless and eager for a new things. My naive self has gone out the window and reality has struck. You do you whats needed. These people that i meet, wether they strive for glory or complacency they challenge me. To search and keep on looking, or bury myself in doubt. Being jobless for 2 weeks is killing me, but ill play along with this city and ill see that if you want it really really bad, and you act upon it...you'll in your distant future get it.

for now, this white couch will hold me until i land with my feet on the ground.


Sunday, June 20, 2010

sometimes you have to take it in stride

After 3 weeks of crazy pre production, on friday we started shooting one of the 3 commercials and had a 30 hour shoot. Insane, yes..., but atleast we finished one commercial, now on to the next to on Tuesday...24 hour day anyone! It seems, at least for me, that when imcoodinating everything else in life stops, its all about work. It might just be that im starting out, but all my energy goes in to it. My boss has a family and a kid and more responsability in his work...how does he do it. Juggle a family and being a Producer in a crazy pre pro week. I guess i will eventually master this way of life, not just the work aspect of it, but what comes with it. No sleep, no tv and not so much time with the people you love. Yet it seems that im not the only one, right? We all have to juggle things in life, find a balance, that's what its all about. Finding balance. Seeking and discovering. Big changes are to come and choices will be made, needs have to be met where the heart and the mind will meet once again and battle it out. Being a work in progress is a test each day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

sleepless cinematic

Last week was crazy work week....still trying to catch up on my sleep. But, her are the 2 commercials i worked on as a Prod. Coordinator a couple of weeks ago. Currently working on a 3 commercial campaign, and im still recuping from the 24 shoot for these Centennial commercials. Really liked the Director's Cut on both of them, and glad to see one of my close friends has the principal of one of the spots. Things seem to be going in the right track, i just need to hold on tight and keep my feet firmly on the ground.

Will post video soon..but for now you can see them @ vimeo.com and search for Joel Perez Irrizary. The Centennial commercials are "Aeropuerto" & "Meeting".
Also check out 2 other commercials i worked as Prod. Coord. Cheez Whiz "Mom" & "Bday".

Let me know what you guys think.

Friday, May 28, 2010

turn rain into caloric sunshine

Making cupcakes with my cupcake apron makes a rainy day, turn into pure caloric sunshine. In the words of Martha Stewart, lemon cupcakes with cream cheese frosting is very much a good thing.
Come on come all ;)

work in progress

This week has been good, got 3 gigs in a row slept very little and made myself useful.
Finished coordinating 2 commercials, work as a PA in 1 other. Saving up some cash to head to NY again....and start from scratch. I could honestly stay here and make my way in, but the challenge and my naiveness about NY seems to pull me to the East Coast. My memories of my stay in the village seem to have overpowered my sense of reality....atleast that what some people say. This is not a phase, it is real. Im leaving for good and making it happen on my own....hopefully.

This I guess, is the daydreamer part of me, that no matter where i am...NYC is on my mind.
But i do appreciate my everyday life in this island, the great company, my friends and my family, but it just comes a time where you have to break out.

DAY #1

Decided to start a blog.

Thougt bubble: "will see how it goes"